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회사 개요

회사 앨범3

기본 정보
Greetings from HomeGoods Furnitures Jodhpur We are proud to introduce our esteemed company as a leading manufacturer, supplier & Exporter from Jodhpur,Rajasthan, India . We are dealing in industrial furniture ,leather furniture and wooden furniture . Our motto is to focus on quality buyers, by offering them trendy products at affordable prices without compromising the quality of any product. "Selling products with Quality Assurance, Timely Deliver with Guarantee " After many years of serving the customers we have honed our expertise to create exceptional furniture From the very first sketch to the final product that re-define, our commitment to quality,luxury and innovation remains unwavering.we have more than 500+ designs across all the categories. may some of them be of interest to your buyers, if not, we have our expertise team to customize designs according to your need . Feel free to let us know. Our innovative designs may fit into your selling criteria and we strive to make your brand more visible and profitable. Once given a chance it may turn into a long lasting business relation. We are ready to make any kind of sample for you. We would love to be notified if you feel interested after this mail
  • 거래
  • 응답 시간
  • 응답률
비즈니스 유형
총 직원
51 - 100 People
총 연간 수익
Below US$1 Million
설립 연도
제품 인증
주요 시장